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I Would Like To Thank...

For EMC for our midterm we have a day called January Day. This is a day that gives us a platform to display our research and where we want to go moving forward. I was having trouble thinking of what to present, since my short film won't be done in time. After a long brain storming session with Ms. Gergen and Mr. Bott we finally found something concrete. We thought about the Oscar nominations, the biggest movie event of the year. What if we took the past 10 years of Oscar winners and analyzed them? See what they had in common, see how they were different. See what themes were strongly represented and if there was a pattern in winners and nominees. I want to know why certain movies win, and why others didn't. What factors go into deciding which movies are nominated and those that decide the winner. My homework over break is to watch the past 10 Oscar winners and start researching them. I will be journaling about each film individually as well as a complete list once I know them.

Till next time, Keep Thinking.

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